I am going on a Trip : Travel Games to Play in the Car

How to play I am Going on a Trip – a fun kid friendly travel game

In its simplest form, “I am going on a trip” is a memory game. It can be played in several different forms……

I am going on a trip is a memory based travel game for kids. Your kids will be engaged and enjoy the getting there portion of your family vacation

I am going on a trip is a memory based travel game for kids. Your kids will be engaged and enjoy the getting there portion of your family vacationRandom item Memory version

Each person in the group selects on item randomly.  The first person states that they are going on a trip, and they are bringing an item.  The second person states that they are going on a trip and that they are bring the first item mentioned, and then mentions their item…. and so on…. for instance….

First person: I’m going on a trip, and I am bringing a “suitcase”

Second person: I’m going on a trip, and I am bring a “suitcase” and a “book”

The game continues in this manner until no one can remember the list, and all have dropped out and there is only one person left.

Alphabetical Memory version

Each person in the group says that they are going on a trip, and I am bringing a ____________. The first person would state an item with the letter A, the second person would repeat the first item beginning with A, and add a second item that begins with the letter B… and so on ….. for instance…..

First person: I am going on a trip, and I am bringing an “apple”

Second person: I am going on a trip, and I am bring an “apple” and a “blanket”

The game continues in this manner until no one can remember the list, or until you have gone through the alphabet.


To add spice to the game and make it more exciting for older kids , here is a variation that we have used over the years….


Making it more complex….A logic game

Rather than stating the rule at the beginning, the players have to guess the first person’s rule. For example, the rule that I choose might be that  the item I bring must start with the same letter as my first name.  I am going on a trip, and I am bringing a towel. (My name is Teresa, so the item that I am bringing must start with a “T”).   If the next person selects something that does not begin with the first letter as his or her first name, they are told that they cannot go on the trip. The game continues until each players adds an object that meets the rule.


Even more complex….

The game “I’m going on a trip” can be as complex as you can imagine. The following are some ideas for the rule….

  • I am bringing a cat, a dog, and an envelope (The rule would be three items beginning with consecutive letters)
  • I am bring a towel, and a violin (The rule would be two items beginning with letters separated by one letter)
  • I’m bringing a hat, a shirt, and shoes (the rule is three related items)


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