Free Travel Books for Kids
I would love to add YOU to my official Book Review Team for the Hey Kids! Let’s Visit series of Travel Books for Kids.
Books reviews are like GOLD for the indy self-published author.
You will not hear from me a lot as a part of this team, but I will send out an email when a new book is on the horizon and is ready for a review. If you are able to read and review the book, just download it via the link I will share and I’ll send a copy along to you.
I would then ask that you post an honest review on Amazon as soon as possible after you complete the book. I’ll provide a link for you to post the review.
Check out the books page on this site for a description of all of the books available… If you are interested in reading and reviewing one of the existing books, just let me know after you join the team.
Kid Friendly Family Vacations Books (will open in a new window so you don’t lose this page)
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Books available to date