Myrtle Beach Vacations – Family Fun on the South Carolina Grand Strand

Myrtle Beach Vacations include fishing, site seeing (side trips), great seafood, swimming, shopping and amusement parks. Just about anything you can imagine

Family vacation fun at one of the most popular beaches in the USA…   Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is one of the popular tourist destinations in the United States.  Myrtle beach vacations can include fun on the beach, shopping at two of the most popular shopping areas (Broadway at the Beach and Barefoot Landing), many…

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Patriots Point Charleston – Naval & Maritime Museum

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Charleston South Carolina Virtual Field Trip Week 4 Free virtual field trip coloring page: Patriots Point Charleston Patriots Point Charleston (Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum) is a collection of four ships and twenty-five aircraft.  The 888-foot aircraft carrier Yorktown is the flagship of the battle group.  Destroyer Laffey, the Coast Guard cutter Ingham and the…

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Key West Vacations – Parasailing, Snorkeling, Shopping, Key Lime Pie

Key West Vacations can be full of history and water fun. You will see the southernmost point in the US as well as some great southern charm.

Our family vacation visit to Key West Florida was just day trip stopover while on one of our family cruises, but we have many an adventure to share…. then later, we visited again… driving down from Fort Lauderdale…. what an adventure!  Key West Vacations – From Parasailing to Snorkeling to Shopping to Key Lime Pie,…

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Wizarding World of Harry Potter – The Ultimate Harry Potter Theme Park

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is an theme park within a theme park at universal Studios in Florida and Hollywood - so authenticate any fan will rave

. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter can fittingly be described as the most magical place on Earth to the seasoned Harry Potter fan. There are now three fun ways to enjoy the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, and it is a must-see attraction for everyone. Universal Studios Orlando The Wizarding World of…

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