Free Travel Books for Kids

I am looking for a team of people who are interested in Travel Books for Kids.


A Chance to read and review Travel Books for Kids at no Charge

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Hey Kids! Let’s Visit…. series of travel books for kids… and all future series of books

If so, you might be interested in learning about how you can receive free copies of my books for review….

You just need to read one on my books for free in exchange for posting an honest review on Amazon. Reviews are gold to independent authors, and this is a great opportunity to expand your kids horizons with travel books – without spending a dime. So this is a WIN/WIN for both of us.

So, …. What do you say?

Keep reading below to see how you can receive free travel books for kids . . . .


Here’s how review copies of the travel books will work ….

1. Choose the first book you would like to read and review.

2. If at all possible, please post your review on Amazon within 2-4 weeks of receiving the book. I understand that emergencies come up and life gets busy, but I do ask you to do everything you can to keep the commitment for the review.

3. If you are on Goodreads, please add the book to your collection and also post your review on Goodreads as well as Amazon.

4. Please make sure to place a note at the end of your review that you received a free copy of this book in exchange for your honest review. This is an FTC guideline and part of Amazon’s terms of service. You can simply put something like this on your review: “I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.”

5. Once you have finished posting your review, please let me know which book you would like to read and review next and I will send it to you.

Books available to date

family vacations travel books for kids

Check out the books page on this site for a description of all of the books available…

Kid Friendly Family Vacations Books (will open in a new window so you don’t lose this page)

Fill out the form below to let me know that you are interested in joining my book review team and what book you are interested in reviewing first..

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